What is a Good Engagement Rate on Instagram?

Decoding Instagram Success: What Makes a Good Engagement Rate?

Create an image of a bar graph with varying heights, representing different engagement rates on Instagram. Use colors to differentiate the bars and add a small key or legend to explain the color code. Place the bars on a white background and ensure that the x and y-axes are labeled clearly with percentages and time frames respectively. Make sure the bars are evenly spaced and have equal widths.
Create an image of a bar graph with varying heights, representing different engagement rates on Instagram. Use colors to differentiate the bars and add a small key or legend to explain the color code. Place the bars on a white background and ensure that the x and y-axes are labeled clearly with percentages and time frames respectively. Make sure the bars are evenly spaced and have equal widths.

Did you know that in 2024, the median Instagram engagement rate across all industries is a mere 0.43%¹? This surprising statistic shows how hard it is for brands to grab attention on this popular platform. Knowing what a good engagement rate is has become key for measuring success on social media.

Engagement rates on Instagram vary a lot depending on the industry and type of account. For example, top brands in the 25th percentile have a median engagement rate of 1.02%. The higher education sector even has an impressive 2.43%¹. These numbers show why it's important to compare your Instagram success to others in your field.

To understand these numbers better, social media experts say an engagement rate between 1% and 3% is average. Rates above 3.5% are seen as high². But remember, engagement rates can change due to things like how many followers you have, the type of, and how often you post.

When looking at Instagram metrics, remember that engagement rates are just one part of the picture. They give you important info on how your content is doing and how your audience interacts with it. This helps you make your social media strategy better for more impact.

Key Takeaways

  • The median Instagram engagement rate across industries is 0.43% in 2024.

  • Top-performing brands achieve a median engagement rate of 1.02%.

  • Higher education leads with a 2.43% engagement rate.

  • Average engagement rates typically fall between 1% and 3%.

  • Engagement rates above 3.5% are considered high.

  • Industry-specific benchmarks are crucial for accurate performance assessment.

  • Factors like follower count and content type influence engagement rates.

Understanding Instagram Engagement Rates

Instagram engagement rates are key metrics that show how your followers interact with your posts. They tell you how much social media interaction and follower engagement your posts get.

What is an Engagement Rate?

An engagement rate shows the percentage of followers who interact with your posts. It's found by dividing likes and comments by followers, then multiplying by 100³. This metric shows how well your content connects with your audience.

Why Engagement Matters

High engagement rates mean your content is valuable and interesting to your followers. They're key for:

  • Building a loyal community

  • Increasing visibility on the platform

  • Attracting potential customers or collaborators

A good engagement rate on Instagram is usually between 1% and 5%. But, rates can change a lot based on the industry and account size.

Factors Affecting Engagement

Many things can affect your Instagram engagement rates:

  1. Content quality: Better photos and videos do better³.

  2. Posting frequency: Being consistent keeps followers interested.

  3. Instagram algorithm: Algorithm changes can really affect engagement³.

  4. Account size: Bigger accounts often have lower engagement rates³.

To get more engagement, try making educational content, sharing behind-the-scenes stories, or using trending memes. These can help you connect with your audience and get more interactions.

"Success on Instagram relies on two main pillars: high-quality photography and active engagement with the Instagram community."

Remember, engagement rates are just one part of the story. They should be looked at with other metrics to understand your Instagram performance fully.

Calculating Instagram Engagement Rate

Create an image of a calculator with Instagram symbols and icons in the background, representing the calculation of engagement rate. Show a hand typing in the number of likes and comments on a post, with the final engagement rate displayed prominently on the calculator screen. Add a colorful graph or chart in the background to visually represent how engagement rate affects post performance.

Learning how to figure out your Instagram engagement rate is key to seeing how well you're doing on social media. We'll look at the formulas and tools that make Instagram analytics easier to understand.

The Engagement Rate Formula

The main way to find engagement rate is: (Total likes + total comments) / followers x 1006. This formula shows what percentage of your followers interact with your posts. You can also add saves and shares to get a fuller picture⁶.

Metrics Included in the Calculation

Likes, comments, shares, and saves are the main metrics for figuring out engagement. They tell you how well your posts connect with your audience. A good engagement rate is usually between 1% and 5%, but it depends on your industry.

Tools for Measuring Engagement

Calculating engagement by hand is doable, but tools make it easier. Instagram's built-in analytics give basic info, but other tools offer more details. For instance, Later's Analytics Dashboard automatically calculates engagement rates for each post, making it simple to check your content's performance.

Engagement rates change based on your industry and how many followers you have. Comparing your rates to others in your field can show you how you stack up. By keeping an eye on your engagement metrics, you can improve your content and do better on Instagram.

Benchmark for Good Instagram Engagement Rates in 2024

Instagram benchmarks are key for checking how well you're doing on social media. In 2024, the rules for good engagement have changed. This is because of how users act and the way the platform works.

The average engagement rate on Instagram is 1.09% for all types of posts as of March 2024. This number is a good starting point for brands to see how they're doing. Reels are the top performers with a 1.48% engagement rate. Carousel posts get about 0.91%, and images get 0.69%.

Content Type Average Engagement Rate

  • Reels: 1.48%

  • Carousel Posts: 0.91%

  • Image Posts: 0.69%

Engagement rates change a lot by industry. The education sector does the best with a 2.55% engagement rate. Entertainment and media, and healthcare and wellness also do well with 1.56% and 1.70% respectively¹⁰.

Brand size also affects engagement rates. Small brands have grown by 40.5% in audience size in a year. They have the highest Reels view rate at 13.3%. This shows that smaller brands might find it easier to build engaged communities.

When looking at your Instagram performance, think of these benchmarks as guidelines, not hard rules. Your brand's specific area, audience, and content plan will decide what "good" engagement looks like for you.

Industry-Specific Instagram Engagement Rates

Create an image showcasing the engagement rates of various sports teams on Instagram. Use visual elements such as charts, graphs, and icons to represent the data in a clear and engaging way. Show the differences in engagement rates between teams and highlight any noteworthy trends or outliers. Use bold, contrasting colors to make the image stand out and grab the viewer's attention.

Instagram engagement rates differ across various sectors, showing unique performance and metrics. Let's see how different industries use Instagram to connect with their followers.

Higher Education Sector

Higher education leads in Instagram engagement. They have a 2.43% engagement rate and post 3.2 times a week. Universities use the platform to share campus life and academic wins. This approach connects with students, alumni, and those thinking about joining.

Sports Teams

Sports teams are close behind, with a 1.57% engagement rate. They post 15.6 times a week, keeping fans updated with news, behind-the-scenes looks, and athlete highlights. This strategy works well with Instagram's focus on visuals and quick updates.

Influencers and Content Creators

Influencers and content creators get a 0.75% engagement rate with 4.35 posts weekly. They succeed by making content that feels real and connects with their audience. They use Instagram's Stories and Reels to increase engagement, with Reels reaching 30.81% of their followers¹¹.

Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofits have a 0.62% engagement rate, posting about 5 times a week. They share stories, show their work, and ask for support. Even though their rate is lower, it's still strong, as engagement rates can be 1% to 5% in social media marketing¹².

Industry Engagement Rate

  • Higher Education: 2.43%

  • Sports Teams: 1.57%

  • Influencers: 0.75%

  • Nonprofits: 0.62%

Posts per Week

  • Higher Education: 3.2

  • Sports Teams: 15.6

  • Influencers: 4.35

  • Nonprofits: 5

Knowing these metrics is key to understanding your Instagram performance. A good rate is 0.70% as of December 2023, but it varies by industry and niche¹³.

Factors Influencing Instagram Engagement Rates

Many things affect how much people engage with your Instagram content. Knowing these can help you make your profile better.

How good your content looks is very important for getting people to like, comment, and share it. Making your posts easy to find through Instagram Search Engine Optimization can also help¹⁴.

When you post matters a lot too. Posting at the same time every day and choosing the best time to share can help get more people involved. Knowing who your audience is and what they like helps make your content hit the mark¹⁴.

Using Instagram's special features can really help too. For example, Reels can get your content seen by more people, which means more chances for people to interact with it. Reels that keep viewers watching and use cool effects like transitions and trending music do better¹⁴.

Engagement Factor Impact on Engagement Rate

  • Content Quality: High-quality content drives higher interaction levels

  • Post Timing: Consistent schedules enhance engagement opportunities

  • Instagram Features: Stories, Reels, IGTV, and Live can boost engagement

  • Audience Understanding: Tailoring content to audience preferences increases engagement

How often you post can also affect how much people interact with your content. You don't want to post too much or too little. It's important to know what your audience likes to make your posts more engaging¹⁵.

"Authenticity and interaction through Stories and feed posts foster genuine connections with the audience, increasing engagement."

Changes in the Instagram algorithm can also change how many people see your posts and interact with them. You need to adjust your strategy to keep getting good engagement¹⁵. By thinking about these things, you can make a strong content plan that connects with your audience and increases your Instagram engagement.

Instagram Engagement and Interaction: Strategies for Improvement

Create an image that showcases a user scrolling through their Instagram feed, stopping to engage with content that catches their eye. Include a variety of visually appealing photos and videos, as well as some engaging captions that encourage conversation and interaction. Show the user leaving thoughtful comments and likes on posts, actively engaging with other users in the community. The image should convey a sense of creativity and fun, while also emphasizing the importance of building meaningful connections on Instagram.

Boosting your Instagram engagement is key to growing your audience and boosting your brand's online presence. Let's dive into effective ways to improve your content, posting, and use of Instagram tools.

Creating Compelling Content

To grab your audience's attention, focus on making posts that are both visually appealing and informative. Posts with bright, bold colors tend to get more engagement¹⁶. Try out different content types like carousels and Reels, as they often get more likes and comments¹⁷. Also, include relatable memes and shareable graphics to connect with your followers¹⁸.

Optimal Posting Frequency

Being consistent with your posts is important. Aim for 4-5 posts a week, but focus on quality over quantity. Use Instagram tools like Later to find the best times to post for your audience¹⁸. This can really help increase your engagement.

Leveraging Instagram Features

Use Instagram's various features to boost interaction. Stories with interactive stickers like polls and quizzes can get you more direct engagement with your followers¹⁸¹⁶. Working with other accounts can also help you reach more people, as your posts will be seen by both sets of followers¹⁶¹⁷. Don't forget the importance of hashtags and call-to-actions in your captions to get more engagement and visibility¹⁸.

"Engagement is the currency of social media. Invest in it wisely, and watch your Instagram presence flourish."

By using these strategies, you can make your Instagram more engaging. This will help you connect better with your audience and get more meaningful interactions.

The Role of Follower Count in Engagement Rates

Many think a big audience is key to Instagram success. But, the truth might surprise you. Follower count does affect engagement rates, but not always as you'd think.

Accounts with fewer followers often get more engagement. This is because smaller audiences are more focused and truly interested in the content. Quality followers who interact with posts are much more valuable than a big, uninterested crowd.

The average Instagram engagement rate is about 4.7%, but it varies a lot by follower count¹⁹. For businesses, a good rate is usually between 1% to 5%¹⁹. These numbers show why focusing on follower quality is key, not just how many you have.

Take luxury fashion brands, for example. They average a 0.52% engagement rate per post¹⁹. But, some brands with fewer followers do much better. Crocs, with 2.4 million followers, has a 1.71% engagement rate¹⁹.

Clearly, engagement metrics are more important than just how many followers you have. To improve your Instagram:

  • Create high-quality, relevant content

  • Engage with your audience genuinely

  • Use user-generated content to boost interaction

  • Post consistently and at the best times

It's not just about how many followers you have. How well you connect with them matters more. Focus on engaging with your audience, not just the number of followers, and your Instagram success will grow²⁰.

Comparing Instagram to Other Social Media Platforms

Create an image comparing the engagement rates on Instagram and other popular social media platforms, showcasing the differences in user activity and interaction. Use visual cues such as icons, graphics, charts, and graphs to convey the information clearly. Incorporate contrasting color schemes to highlight the disparities between each platform's engagement rates.

Instagram is a standout in the world of social media, with an engagement rate of 0.6%²¹. This rate is much higher than Facebook's average, making it a top pick for digital marketing²¹.

Instagram has over 1.15 billion users every month²². It's a hit with businesses, with 90% of users following at least one business account²². This means 83% of users often find new products on the platform²².

Instagram is great at keeping users engaged, with 23% more engagement than Facebook²². This is why 59% of micro-influencers think they get the best engagement here²².

Platform - Engagement Rate

  • Instagram: 0.6%

  • Facebook: 0.15%

  • TikTok: 4.25%

  • YouTube: 1.9%

Monthly Active Users

  • Instagram: 1.15+ billion

  • Facebook: 2.9+ billion

  • TikTok: 1+ billion

  • YouTube: 2.5+ billion

TikTok takes the lead with a 4.25% engagement rate²¹. YouTube is strong with 1.9% engagement, perfect for longer videos²¹. For businesses, Instagram's 1.08% e-commerce conversion rate and $65 average order value from referrals are big pluses²².

Case Studies: Brands with High Instagram Engagement

Instagram has become a key tool for brands wanting to increase their engagement and reach their audience. Let's look at some successful Instagram campaigns and brand stories that show how well they've done.

Nike focuses on engaging athletes instead of just promoting products. This has helped them gain a huge following on social media²³. Amazingly, 90% of people are more likely to buy from brands they follow online²³.

GoPro draws in followers with content made by users. They have over 20 million on Instagram and 10 million on Facebook²³. People trust what others say online more than ads, with 78% looking to product reviews²³.

MAC Cosmetics' #SeniorArtistsSlayHalloween campaign got thousands of posts from users²⁴. Starbucks' #RedCupContest also gets thousands of posts, building a strong community²⁴.

Brand Campaign

  • Chipotle: #GuacDance TikTok Challenge

  • Boohoo: Influencer Endorsements

  • Gymshark: Fitness Influencer Partnerships


  • Chipotle: 430 million views in 6 days²³

  • Boohoo: 45% sales growth in Q2 2020²⁵

  • Gymshark: 73 million rise in turnover

(2019)25BrandCampaignResultsChipotle#GuacDance TikTok Challenge430 million views in 6 days²³BoohooInfluencer Endorsements45% sales growth in Q2 2020²⁵GymsharkFitness Influencer Partnerships73 million rise in turnover (2019)²⁵

These examples show how important user content, influencer partnerships, and fun hashtags are for Instagram engagement. By using these tactics, brands can really grow their online presence and connect better with their audience.

For more on great social media strategies, see this guide on excellent brand strategies.

The Impact of Instagram Algorithm on Engagement Rates

"An Instagram post being sucked into a vortex as engagement rates fluctuate around it."

Instagram's algorithm is key to how your content gets seen and interacts with users. It's a complex system that personalizes what each user sees, keeping them interested²⁶. This system changes how your posts do and who sees them.

When deciding what content to show, the algorithm looks at several things. It checks the bond between you and your followers, how interested they are in your posts, and how relevant they are²⁷²⁸. It also looks at how people interact with your posts, the details of your posts, and how people have interacted with your content before²⁶.

To get more eyes on your posts, make sure they're high-quality and fit with what Instagram's community likes. The platform doesn't spread content that breaks these rules²⁷. Also, getting real engagement from your followers helps your posts rank better²⁶²⁷.

How you optimize your feed depends on what you're posting. For example, Reels likes fun and inspiring posts, but doesn't like low-quality or old videos²⁶. Stories do better if they come from accounts people interact with a lot²⁶.

Remember, all accounts - Personal, Creator, and Business - get treated the same by the algorithm in how they rank content.

Here are some tips to get more engagement:

  • Work on building a strong connection with your audience

  • Use content made by your followers

  • Make good use of Reels

  • Really connect with others' content

  • Post regularly and mix up your content types

By getting to know and adjusting to the Instagram algorithm, you can make your content more visible and get more engagement²⁸. Remember, you can't change the algorithm, but you can refresh your feed by clearing your search history or showing you're not interested in certain posts²⁶.

Engagement Rate Trends: Past, Present, and Future

Instagram has seen a big change in how people interact online. It now has 2 billion users every month, making it a key place for digital chats²⁹. This growth shows how online engagement is changing, hinting at what's next for social media marketing.

Instagram's rise has been fast. It's getting more users, especially in India, where it's expected to make up almost 40% of all accounts by 2025²⁹. This change is making brands rethink how they connect with people on the platform.

Today, Instagram's engagement rates vary a lot. The average post gets about 0.60% engagement, but education posts can get up to 3.44%²⁹. This shows how important it is to make content that fits different groups.

Future of Instagram Engagement

Looking ahead, we see some big changes:

  • Video content is getting more popular: Instagram Reels get 22% more attention than regular videos³⁰.

  • Shopping is big: 44% of Instagram users buy something weekly on the app²⁹.

  • Influencer marketing is growing: 53.7% of U.S. marketers want to use Instagram Reels for influencer campaigns²⁹.

These trends suggest a future where videos, shopping, and influencer partnerships will be key to getting people engaged. As Instagram changes, brands need to update their plans to keep up with social media's fast pace.

Interpreting Your Instagram Engagement Rate

Create an image that visually represents the concept of Instagram engagement rate analysis. Use colors and shapes to represent the different levels of engagement, and include graphs or charts to show how the engagement rate has fluctuated over time. The image should convey the importance of understanding and interpreting your engagement rate on Instagram for building a successful social media presence.

Understanding your Instagram engagement rate is key for checking how well you're doing. Let's look at what different levels mean for your account.

Low Engagement Rate

A low engagement rate on Instagram is usually under 1%. If you're seeing numbers this low, it's time to rethink your content strategy. Using relevant hashtags can help make your posts more visible to people³¹.

Average to Good Engagement Rate

Engagement rates between 1% to 5% are considered average to good. This shows your content connects with your audience. To get more engagement, try using Instagram stories with fun stickers like quizzes and polls³¹.

High and Very High Engagement Rate Benchmarks

High engagement rates are 6% to 12%, and very high rates go over 12%. These are for accounts with more than 15,000 followers. Rates above 20% are truly exceptional³². To hit these levels, use carousel photos with clear calls to action and try out meme-based content that fits your niche³¹.

A good Instagram engagement rate is between 3% to 6%. Regularly checking your engagement helps you spot trends and fine-tune your content strategy³³. Use these benchmarks to guide your analysis and set achievable goals for improvement³¹³²³³.

Common Mistakes in Measuring Instagram Engagement

Many brands make mistakes when checking their Instagram performance. They focus too much on how many followers they have. They forget to look at how often they post and how people interact with their posts. This can lead to wrong conclusions.

One big mistake is using a simple way to calculate engagement. The formula ER = (Total Engagements / Total Followers or Impressions) × 100 is a start, but it's not enough³⁴. It's better to look at how deep people engage, not just how many.

Another mistake is not knowing what's normal for your industry. What's a good engagement rate changes a lot depending on your field³⁴³⁵.

Also, some brands miss the fact that social media helps people discover brands. With 52% of brand discoveries happening on social, it's key to look at your data closely³⁶.

To avoid these mistakes, try these tips:

  • Look beyond likes and comments

  • Factor in post timing and frequency

  • Analyze audience sentiment

  • Compare your metrics to industry standards

Remember, it's not all about the numbers. It's about building real connections with your audience. By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll get a clearer view of your Instagram success. This will help you make smarter marketing choices.

Engagement Metric - What It Measures

  • Follower Count: Account Growth

  • Likes: Content Appreciation

  • Comments: Audience Interaction

  • Saves: Content Value

  • Shares: Content Virality

Common Mistake

  • Follower Count: Overemphasis on quantity over quality

  • Likes: Ignoring other forms of engagement

  • Comments: Not analyzing comment quality

  • Saves: Overlooking this crucial metric

  • Shares: Underestimating its impact on reach

Leveraging Engagement Rates for Marketing Success

Create an image of a smartphone with an Instagram app on it, displaying a high engagement rate percentage. Surround the phone with various marketing tools such as a camera, a pen and notebook, and a graph chart to emphasize the importance of leveraging engagement rates for successful marketing. Use vibrant colors to make the image eye-catching.

Engagement rates are crucial for marketing success on Instagram. They show how well your social media strategy works and help improve your return on investment. By understanding these metrics, you can make your approach better and boost your brand's performance.

High engagement rates mean more people know about your brand and stick with it. The average engagement rate for all Instagram users is 1.22%, but PLANOLY users get a better rate of 2.93%³⁷. This shows how important good content and targeting your audience is.

To make the most of engagement rates:

  • Create content that really speaks to your audience

  • Use interactive features like polls and quizzes in Instagram Stories

  • Keep an eye on important metrics such as views, taps, and exit rates³⁸

  • Work with influencers to reach more people and gain trust

Remember, engagement rates change with the number of followers you have. Nano-influencers often get more engagement because they connect with a specific group³⁷. This can help you plan your social media strategy, deciding if you should focus on micro-influencers or wider campaigns.

It's not just about the numbers in engagement-driven marketing. It's about making real connections. Answer comments quickly, share content from your followers, and keep your brand's voice consistent. These actions build a community and lead to long-term success³⁹.

Strategy Impact on Engagement

  • Using interactive stickers in Stories - Boosts engagement through direct audience participation

  • Posting high-quality images - Increases engagement by aligning with brand identity

  • Sharing carousel posts - Drives engagement through multiple image/video shares

  • Going live on Instagram - Enhances real-time interactions and audience connection

By focusing on these strategies, you'll build a strong social media presence. This will drive ROI and create lasting relationships with customers³⁷³⁸³⁹.


Mastering Instagram engagement is crucial for your social media success. A good engagement rate is between 2% to 5%, depending on your industry and follower count⁴⁰⁴¹. Your strategy should aim to create content that gets people talking and sharing, which is more valuable than just likes⁴⁰.

Engagement strategies vary by industry. While the average rate is 1.22%, some sectors like higher education get up to 3.57%⁴². To improve your engagement, try different content types, use 15-30 hashtags, and interact with others⁴².

Engagement rates often drop as you gain more followers. Personal profiles usually beat business ones in engagement, with median rates of 7.07% and 6.73% respectively⁴¹. As you work on your strategy, check your metrics often using tools or software. This will help you adjust to changes and keep your engagement strong for long-term success.


What is a good engagement rate on Instagram?

In 2024, the average engagement rate on Instagram is about 0.43%. Top brands in the top 25% get around 1.02% or more. But, engagement rates change by industry. For example, Higher Education gets a 2.43% rate, and Sports Teams get 1.57%.

What is the definition of engagement rate on Instagram?

Engagement rate measures how people interact with your posts on Instagram. This includes likes, comments, shares, and reactions. It shows how well your content connects with your audience.

How is Instagram engagement rate calculated?

To find your Instagram engagement rate, use this formula: [engagement total] / [total number of followers]. This counts likes, comments, shares, and reactions. Tools like Instagram's own analytics or Rival IQ can help you track it.

What are the industry-specific engagement rates on Instagram?

Higher Education has the best engagement at 2.43% with 3.2 posts weekly. Sports Teams are next at 1.57% with 15.6 posts weekly. Influencers get 0.75% with 4.35 posts weekly, and Nonprofits achieve 0.62% with 5 posts weekly.

What factors influence Instagram engagement rates?

Many things affect engagement rates. Content quality, how often you post, and using Instagram features matter. So does posting at the right time, knowing your audience, and the algorithm. Real and timely content usually gets more engagement.

How can I improve my Instagram engagement rate?

To boost engagement, make your content visually appealing and informative. Use carousels and Reels. Post regularly and use trending hashtags. Features like Stories, IGTV, and Reels can also help.

How does follower count impact engagement rate?

Smaller accounts often have higher engagement rates. But, it's more about the quality of followers and their interest in your content. Having genuine followers is key for high engagement.

How does Instagram's engagement rate compare to other social media platforms?

Instagram usually beats Facebook and Twitter in engagement. But, platforms like TikTok and YouTube are changing Instagram's focus to videos.

How does the Instagram algorithm impact engagement rates?

The Instagram algorithm affects how people see your posts and engage with them. It shows content that users like more. Understanding and adapting to these changes is important for better engagement.

What constitutes a low, average, high, or very high engagement rate on Instagram?

A low engagement rate is under 1%. Average to good is 1% to 3.5%. High is 3.5% to 6%. Very high is over 6%. These levels help brands see how they stack up against others.

What are common mistakes in measuring Instagram engagement?

Don't just look at follower numbers. Also, consider post frequency and interaction quality. And remember, engagement varies by industry. It's important to look at both numbers and quality.

How can brands leverage engagement rates for marketing success?

High engagement can boost brand awareness, loyalty, and sales. Use engagement data to improve your content and campaigns. It should guide your marketing goals and objectives.

Source Links

  1. What is a Good Engagement Rate on Instagram?

  2. What is a Good Engagement Rate on Instagram? — Scrunch

  3. What Is A Good Instagram Engagement Rate?

  4. What is a Good Engagement Rate on Instagram (& How to Achieve it!)

  5. 8 Instagram Interaction Post Ideas to Boost Your Engagement Rates

  6. How to Calculate Instagram Engagement Rate📈

  7. How to Calculate Instagram Engagement Rates (Video) | Later

  8. Hashtag Analytics for Twitter, Instagram and Facebook - Keyhole

  9. Instagram Benchmarks 2024: Key Insights

  10. Average Engagement Rates for 12 Industries [January 2024]

  11. Instagram statistics you need to know for 2024 [Updated]

  12. Engagement Rate Calculator + Tips for 2024

  13. Instagram Engagement: Calculator & 12 Key Strategies

  14. 15 Tips for a Better Instagram Engagement Rate [CALCULATOR]

  15. What is a good engagement rate on Instagram - Favikon

  16. 13 Ways to increase your Instagram engagement rate

  17. 12 Easy Ways to Increase Engagement on Instagram

  18. Your Guide to Instagram Engagement in 2024 | Later

  19. Instagram Engagement Rate: Strategies for Growth and Success

  20. The Instagram Metrics You Need To Track Success - AgencyAnalytics

  21. Social Media Engagement Rate Across Different Platforms

  22. Instagram Marketing: 6 Reasons Why Instagram Is So Popular

  23. 14 Best Brands on Social Media Every Marketer Should Follow

  24. 20 Best Examples of Successful Instagram Marketing Campaigns

  25. 30 brands with excellent social media strategies

  26. How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work in 2024? | Later

  27. [SOLVED] Instagram Algorithm Tips for 2024

  28. Instagram Algorithm: How It Works and Tips for 2024 - Shopify

  29. 35 Instagram Statistics That Matter to Marketers in 2024

  30. The Impact of Instagram: 50 Statistics You Should Know in 2024

  31. What is Instagram Engagement?

  32. Instagram Engagement Rate: Everything You Need to Know - Flick

  33. Instagram Engagement Rates: Everything You Need to Know - Blaze - Marketing Analytics

  34. Why your Instagram Engagement Dropping: Top 4 reasons and what you can do about it

  35. 10 Simple Ways to Increase Instagram Engagement [Updated for 2024!]

  36. 5 Social Media Mistakes That Are Diminishing Your Engagement Rate

  37. How Your Instagram Account Size Can Affect Your Engagement Rate

  38. Maximizing Engagement with Instagram Stories: Tips and Tricks for Brands

  39. What is Instagram Engagement?

  40. Why Instagram Engagement is a Top KPI and How to Boost it

  41. Study: Instagram Engagement on Business Versus Personal Profiles

  42. Instagram Engagement Rates: What's Good (or Not) and Why They Matter

Sai Rahul

Jul 29, 2024

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